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The Defense & Foreign Affairs Group of Publications, which started in 1972, circulate exclusively to senior government, defense, intelligence and industry officials in more than 170 countries worldwide. The Defense & Foreign Affairs periodicals include:
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Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy monthly journal — the official journal of the International Strategic Studies Association — in April 2006 celebrated its 34th anniversary as the only international, unclassified report dealing with global strategic issues from the perspective of Grand Strategy. Strategic Policy (originally called just Defense & Foreign Affairs) each edition has comprehensive analysis on topics of global strategic influence. From the beginning, the objective of the journal was to look at, and understand, the "big picture", but to do so in detail. The journal was founded by Gregory Copley and Dr Stefan Possony in San Francisco, California, in April 1972. This material — now read by some 170 governments at the highest levels because of its professional, non-partisan approach — offers unique insights and trend analysis. It was the only service to forecast, for example, the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990. It forecast, in April 1972, that Egyptian Pres. Anwar Sadat would remove the Soviets from Egypt. It outlined proposals in 1973 for a space-based energy-derived ABM system. Defense & Foreign Affairs forecast during the 1970s the break-up of the USSR in the 1990s. It carried unique — and ultimately verified — information on Libya's WMD programs over the decade before Qadhafi's revelation of them. Lately, it has been unique in reporting and analysis of the origins of current state-sponsored and transnational terrorism, the strategic build-up of North Korea and Iran, and analyzing significant developments in the Middle East, ahead of the breaking incidents. Indeed, from 1972 onward, it pioneered analysis of terrorism, and was one of the first publications to routinely study terrorism, particularly from the standpoint of psychological strategy and psywar. Its coverage has been extensive in many areas in which it has taken a pioneering and unique approach. In the 1980s, for example, it looked at the emergence of India as a strategic power, and in the 1990s looked at the growing strategic importance of West African energy resources. REGULAR FEATURES: Each monthly edition carries comprehensive tables of recent international arms transfers, several pages of listings of key changes of governments worldwide, biographies of key leaders, defense industrial news, a column on psychological strategy, a column of news on defense — and strategy — related web sites and databases, and more. This is truly essential material for all involved in international security studies.
Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis is a regular intelligence report published electronically, as part of the Global Information System (GIS). It is only available as part of GIS, and therefore is only available to authorized subscribers from governments (including armed services, intelligence officials, government libraries, etc.). Defense & Foreign Affairs Special Analysis runs from several pages to several dozen pages per edition in length, and draws on the group's global field collection team of some 200 assets who operate in many countries. See GIS section for more details.
Defense & Foreign Affairs Handbook, an annual, hard-bound reference book of 2,500 pages, was last published in print in its 16th edition, has been the most important global reference encyclopedia for most world leaders since its first edition in 1976. It is now available on-line at www.DFAonline.net. The Defense & Foreign Affairs Handbook is — as a US Presidential National Security Advisor described it — “absolutely indispensable” to defense, intelligence and foreign policy specialists. The current print edition — the 16th — has comprehensive chapters on 247 countries and territories worldwide, with each chapter giving full cabinet and leadership listings, history, recent developments, demographics, economic statistics, political and constitutional data (including political parties and names, voting records, etc.), news media, defense overview, defense structure, treaties, defense budgets and key personnel, defense manpower, full battle orders for all military services, details of intelligence services, key embassies abroad, insurgency groups, and so on. As well, there are maps in each chapter, plus an atlas at the back of the book. There are chapters with biographies of key strategic leaders from around the world, arms transfer tables, chapters on acronyms and terminology, and so on. There is no publication even remotely as comprehensive as the Handbook. If you have not used it before, you will marvel at how you ever survived without it.
Defense & Foreign Affairs Handbook on CD-ROM and Defense & Foreign Affairs Handbook Online are the electronic versions of the legendary print edition of the Handbook. This unique book can now be accessed from your desktop computer via Windows, Macintosh, DOS or Unix-based systems, and using your internet explorer facility. The Handbook on CD-ROM opens automatically when the CD is inserted into the computer. The 15th edition (compatible with the print Handbook) and the 16th edition CD are very user-friendly, and are vital additions to any library, or computer-based analyst. The CD-ROM version of the Handbook contains all of the material found in the print edition. However, in addition, the 16th Edition D&FA Handbook on CD-ROM has more than a thousand pages of additional research files — Special Reports — on many countries, as a bonus. And CD-ROM Version 1 of the 16th Edition appears well in advance of the print edition. System Requirements: Windows, DOS, Macintosh or Unix desktop or laptop computer. All systems need CD-ROM drive. Windows needs 386, 486 or Pentium-based system with Windows 3.1, 95/98, NT 3.5 or later. Macintosh needs 68020-68040 system, 2MB of RAM for Acrobat, software version 7.0 or later. Unix needs Sun SPARCStation running SunOS version 4.1.3 or later or Solaris 2.3 or 2.4; Open Windows version 3.0 or later, or Motif window manager version 1.2.3 or later; 6MB of hard disk; 32MB of RAM. DOS systems need 386- or 486-based system (486 preferred); DOS version 3.3 or later; 2MB of RAM (4MB preferred); 5MB of hard disk space.
Defense & Foreign Affairs Country Handbooks are produced from time to time on countries of emerging strategic interest. The Group's special study, Defense & Foreign Affairs Handbook on Egypt, published in 1995 (and no longer available), for example, was widely used by a number of governments as the only comprehensive text on Egypt's defense and strategic capabilities. The Egyptian Government translated it into Arabic for use in military academies. The latest Defense & Foreign Affairs country handbook is the Defense & Foreign Affairs Handbook on Pakistan, which followed the highly-successful Defense & Foreign Affairs Handbook on Azerbaijan, which provides extensive, and unique current and historical strategic information on this key geopolitical and energy state. This 191pp reference book on Azerbaijan, and the 260pp book on Pakistan, hard bound, are each available for US$45 plus $7 S&H in the US, $13 elsewhere.
Defense & Foreign Affairs regularly prints studies and books under the ISSA imprint. These are studies of strategic importance, but outside the structure of the annual Handbook or regular reporting of other Defense & Foreign Affairs publications. Some of the books in print from this series include:
Offensive in the Balkans: The Potential for a Wider War as a Result of Foreign Intervention in Bosnia-Herzegovina. By Yossef Bodansky This best-seller on the war in the Balkans came out at the end of 1995, just as the Dayton-Paris Accords were being signed. It was a salutary reminder of the broader issues of the conflict which were not addressed by those accords. The information in this very detailed work of research and analysis by Yossef Bodansky still cannot be found elsewhere, and the facts in this book are vital to any understanding of the many divisions within the former Yugoslavia. Once you read it you will understand why it was a best-seller.
Some Call It Peace: Waiting for War in the Balkans. By Yossef Bodansky Yossef Bodansky's second major book on the Balkan conflict concentrates on Bosnia and Herzegovina in the wake of the Dayton-Paris accords, highlighting the factors which indicate that the "peace" which the accords brought was artificial and short-lived. Once again, Bodansky unearths data not published elsewhere, and draws on unique sources to demonstrate the pattern of foreign interference in the balance of power in the region, and what this augurs for 1997 and beyond. Absolutely essential reading.
Ethiopia Reaches Her Hand Unto God:
Imperial Ethiopia’s Unique Symbols, Structure and Rôle in the Modern
World. By Gregory R. Copley The book is authored by Gregory R. Copley, Editor-in-Chief of the Defense & Foreign Affairs Group since its inception, and advisor to a number of governments. His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile Selassie, President of the Crown Council of Ethiopia, has written the Foreword and is a Patron of this book, which has benefited from significant research and access to hitherto restricted documents. The book has more than 70 beautiful illustrations and is available as a cloth-bound or paperback edition. It includes some 250 pages of extensively-researched and documented, easy-to-read text, making it not only a valuable reference volume, but a pleasure to read. The Phrase “Ethiopia Reaches Her Hand Unto God” is taken from Psalms 68, the Song of David, and is used on a number of Ethiopian medals and crests.
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